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The Sikh community is the biggest victim of hate crime in America after the Jews, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released the figure in the annual report of national level incidents.

  Washington: In America in 2021, people from the Jewish and Sikh community are the most victims of hate crimes. This figure has been released according to the annual compilation of national incidents by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI said that in 2021, a total of 1,005 hate crimes related to religion were recorded. Among the largest categories of religion-based crimes, anti-Jewish incidents accounted for 31.9 percent and anti-Sikh incidents for 21.3 percent. Apart from this, 9.5 percent of the incidents were anti-Muslim. Anti-Catholic incidents accounted for 6.1 percent and anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek and other) incidents accounted for 6.5 percent. The FBI said that law enforcement agencies recorded a total of 7,262 incidents in 2021 with 9,024 victims. At the same time, the FBI said it is not possible to reliably compare these figures to any other year, as the number of reporting agencies fell from 15,138 to 11,834 in 2021.